O'Fallon Motors
Open today from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Affordable used cars in O'Fallon, St Louis, St Peters, St Charles, Chesterfield and Wentzville

Each car, truck, and SUV is rigorously inspected and comes with a full vehicle report.

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Trading in? Finding out your car's trade-in value is just a few short steps.

Save an hour at the dealership with an online credit approval.

O’Fallon Motors offers the best quality on affordable used cars in St. Louis.

Serving O'Fallon, St Louis, St Peters, St Charles, Chesterfield, Wentzville and more. At O’Fallon Motors, transparency and integrity are our priority. Each car, truck, and SUV is rigorously inspected both mechanically and cosmetically, and comes with a full vehicle report for your peace of mind. Whether you’re looking for a teen driver’s first set of wheels or are just looking to stay within your budget — we know we have the perfect car for you.

25 years

in the automotive business

A+ Rating

Better Business Bureau


financing available for everyone

20 years

unlimited miles for certified vehicles

New Arrivals